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Break Free from Negative Thinking and Silence the Inner Critic

Are you constantly filled with fear, anxiety, and doubts?

You just can’t seem to stop endless negative thoughts running through your head.

You hear yourself saying things like: “I am not good enough for the job”, or “I will make a fool out of myself…”

The inner critic stops you every time you decide to push yourself and do something new.

This voice is loudly heard in all aspects of your life as you say to yourself things like “Nobody will ever care about you”, “Who do you think you are” and the list goes on …

These thoughts can also deceive you, and give you a false sense of calm, as you feel a soothing sensation whenever you utter to yourself: “The only person that you can rely on is yourself”, “Now let’s have another biscuit”, “Let me have a bottle of wine and soon I will start feeling better” …

These thoughts stop us from achieving our goals and lead to destructive behaviour which can have terrible consequences on our lives.

Hence it is crucial to understand the root cause of these negative thought patterns and to take necessary action so that we can live life to our full potential.

The first step is to recognise what is the inner critic trying to tell us and to pay attention to the area of our lives that is affected the most by this negative chit chat.

We must then identify what criticism are we telling ourselves again and again.

Once we recognise the criticism, we must then verbalise these statements out loud in the second person and use “You are” statements.

For instance, instead of saying “I feel so unattractive” say “You are so unattractive”.

The purpose of this is for us to understand and really feel the hostility so that we can get to the source of these negative harmful attacks.

To our surprise we will start to hear an old familiar tone and words directed at us when we were children.

We will understand that those very same statements were said to us in the exact same tone or manner for example by a mother, father, or anyone else.

Next step is to respond to your inner critic.

For instance, if you are saying things to yourself like “I am stupid “, I want you to turn it around and respond with “I am not stupid, I am so smart” or if you hear yourself say things like “Nobody cares about what you got to say” respond with “People genuinely care about what I got to say”.

So, the point is that whatever negative staff that you say to yourself, you then respond with positive statements.

It is important to rationalise how you really are and what is the truth about your social environment.

After getting to the root cause of the negative self-criticism we are more likely to wonder how these negative looping thoughts have affected our life in the past and how are these negative thought patterns affecting our present life.

Having an understanding about how have negative attacks, directed at ourselves, affect certain situations and outcomes in our lives, helps us to change destructive limiting behaviours.

We can begin to change when we understand the ways in which we limit ourselves.

Two things that we need to do is – one, we need to stop engaging in the destructive behaviour encouraged by the inner critic within us, and two, we need to go against that negative voice.

We need to increase positive constructive behaviours and actions by doing the very opposite of what our initial instinct is telling us to do.

For example, a person who is having trouble to talk to people at social gatherings, should challenge that negative voice, and start a conversation.

Getting rid of negative thoughts or inner critic is not always as easy as it seems.

With any change, anxiety tends to kick in and stopping the inner critic is no exception.

When we try to challenge our negative thoughts, often attacks tend to intensify because our mind likes what is familiar and not that which is unfamiliar.

We get used to looping thoughts and we get the false sense of comfort when we talk to ourselves in a negative way.

Some may falsely think that their inner critic and negative thought patterns are protecting them or keeping them safe in some ways.

However, it is important to recognize that going against your inner critic is a key to achieving your goals and living your life to the fullest, without imagined limitations.

Here at the Mental Wellbeing Therapy, with our Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) approach, we uncover those outdated and negative beliefs by accessing you subconscious mind and we then re-install new powerful positive beliefs.

We uncover the root cause and rewire your mind with new, supportive beliefs to help you move forward in a positive, empowering way.

With our Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) approach, we succeed where other therapists don’t.



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